
At Relaxia Lanzaplaya we want you to enjoy a stay in Lanzarote at prices like no others. That's why we have these incredible offers, to encourage you to come and stay with us and have an unforgettable experience in the paradise that is Lanzarote. There are unmissable promotions on our official website. Will you come and stay with us?

Repeat Customers Offer Book

10 descounts relaxia hotels resorts


Have you stayed at one of our hotels and would like to repeat the experience? You can do so now by taking advantage of this special offer.

offer aqualava water park Book

10 discount relaxia hotels resorts


Enjoy the most fun moments with the little ones in this water park, located just 200 metres from our Relaxia Lanzasur Club.

Canary Islands Residents Offer Book

10 discount relaxia hotels resorts

Canary Islands

Residents of the Canary Islands who want to come and visit our hotels can do so with discounts. Everything at your door step!